The root chakra is called Muladhara in Sanskrit. If you are fond of chakra bracelets and are wearing one right now as you scroll through this article, take a closer look at it. Do you recognize the seven stones representing the seven chakras? I know you do, and you probably already know that the first one is the root chakra.
Yes, today we’re going to discuss this specific chakra. From the early traditions of Hinduism to this day, the root chakra has been the symbol of security and stability. When this focal center of energy is balanced, we will feel grounded and protected. When it is blocked, anxiety will creep in and stress might take over.
Now, these beliefs are based on centuries of Hindu and Buddhist texts. Somehow, they’ve survived to this day, and there might even be some scientific proof to them.
The 7 chakras are specific centers in our body through which energy flows…and yes, there is energy in our bodies. Scientifically speaking, our heartbeats, our muscles contract, and our brain work thanks to electric impulses. We could even say that every one of us vibrates at our own frequency.
So, let’s get back to the root chakra and talk about its position, gesture, color, symbols, and the physical conditions connected with it. After that, *drumroll* the moment you’ve been waiting for… don’t scroll down to that spot…don’t cheat…the different root chakra stones and where you can source them yourself.
Root Chakra Position and Characteristics
The Muladhara is situated at the base of your spine. It is like a big tree anchoring you to this Earth, keeping your soul in the right place. That’s why it’s called “root chakra”, yes. It is usually connected to the three vertebrae of the spine, the pelvic plexus, and the perineum. Some other sources also mention the anus, large intestine, feet, and legs.
To make an early sum-up, the root chakra main qualities and characteristics are:
- Foundation and stability
- Endurance and durability
- Safety and security
- Family and boundaries
- Support in new beginnings
- The basic needs (food, shelter)
- Peace of mind and preservation
- Freedom and defense
If the root chakra is not balanced correctly, then you will feel:
- Unexplainable fear and anxiety
- Disconnected from your body and the world
- Extremely stressed
These are human experiences we all go through, and the root chakra is responsible for them. When the chakra is in good order, you will feel like you’re in control of your own life and, ultimately, survival. It makes you feel secure and at peace with yourself. Therefore, you will go through life with a sense of comfort and trust in yourself and the world outside.
However, if the chakra is blocked, then the opposite happens. When it is not aligned, you might feel defenseless, with no control whatsoever over what happens to you. We’ve all been through those moments, too, yes.
The root chakra is also responsible for your basic needs and how they’re fulfilled. It is in charge of your ability to see and connect with your needs and desires.
All in all, an unbalanced chakra will cause fear to creep in and you’ll feel insecure about your job, about your health, and about pretty much everything you’re going through. This is because there’s nothing to keep you firm on the ground, present in your life.
How to Balance Your Root Chakra
Enough with the negatives, let’s see what you can do when you feel this unhinged and unstable. Yes, either you believe in balancing your root chakra or not, these simple exercises might help you start to see things more clearly and trust in yourself again.
Yep. You’ve got to exercise. Stomp your feet on the ground if necessary, jump around, do physical activities that will help you feel connected with the ground under your feet. Remember that your root chakra is highly connected to it.
Meditation will help you connect with your body and nature, it will help you grow roots again, find stability in a maddening world.
Connect with the earth!
Get closer to nature. Feel its soothing power. Go walking in the forest, in the park, take days off to go hiking. Listen to the music of the sea from time to time. Touch the beautiful flowers, grass, take deep breaths, and take in all the beauty of nature. You’ll discover that nature itself is a powerful healer.
You can start by cleaning out your house, and let go of unimportant stuff that you childishly hang on to. Let go of all your little girly bracelets and earrings and buy some proper chakra bracelets instead. How about that for a start?
Pick up a new sport or healthy habit like:
- Yoga
- Reiki
- Aromatherapy
- Try the Prithvi Mudra (the Root Chakra gesture of the Earth)
Ok, this last thing might sound a little bit strange to most. Let us get a little more in-depth here!
The 7 Mudras that Help Balance the Chakra
Ok, so we have 7 chakras in our bodies, but there are only 5 elements in the Hinduism tradition: air, fire, water, earth, and aether or, more bluntly-put, void. Now, each element can be associated with one of the five fingers of our hand, like this:
- Fire – thumb
- Air – the index finger
- Void/aether – the middle finger
- Earth – the ring finger
- Water – the pinky finger
The tradition goes on telling us that some gestures we make with our fingers can shape the direction of our energy flows. These gestures are called mudras and are usually part of a meditation process or yoga and they’re thought to bring about healing and balance in our bodies.
Each chakra has a specific mudra which can help re-establish the energy balance. For the root chakra, we have the Prithvi Mudra, aka the gesture of the earth.
So, to acquire a certain feeling of stability, ear confidence and strength, fight off stress and anxiety, you can alternate the Prithvi Mudras with meditation and other activities we’ve mentioned above.
The gesture of the earth is quite simple. Try it now! Touch the tip of your thumb and ring finger, while keeping the other fingers straight up. See? Easy!
The Root Chakra Stones and Colors
Now, we hope you have scrolled down here to take a look at what root chakra stones to use on your chakra bracelet. If you’ve come to love these bracelets, you might as well give a chance to the tradition and idea behind them.
As for the root chakra stones, there are some alternatives. The color for the root chakra is red, or some sort of brown, if you’d like. However, you might also find black stones representing it. Some of the best stones for a root chakra bracelet are:
- Brown and red Jasper, especially brown jasper (thought to be connected to the electromagnetic field of the Earth)
- Red Carnelian (thought to bring about confidence and ambition)
- Garnet (for energy and creativity)
- Bloodstone (supports self-esteem)
- Black Tourmaline (for cleansing and bringing balance back)
- Obsidian (the protection stone).
This is kind of a very big subject, and it needs a separate article. We’ll get more in-depth on the different types of root chakra stones in another article, here.
Root Chakra: from Tradition to Exquisite Bracelets
All in all, chakra bracelets are awesome, both as pieces of jewelry and as vessels of an ancient tradition and belief. One thing is for sure: we are energy and we’re all passing through some of the tough experiences that could be related to the root chakra. Maybe a little bit of exercise, some yoga, and meditation while also wearing your favorite chakra bracelet will prove a great thing in the long run.